Southie Lite, Eejit IPA, Pat’s Dry Stout
Product Labels
digital label art and design, pre-press quality control and preparation

Southie Lite
Collateral Sell-Sheets
product photography, sell-sheet design, photo-retouching, pre-press quality control and preparation

Rice Krispies Treats
scratch-n-sniff magazine print ad, Parents Magazine
photo-retouching, pre-press quality control and preparation

2016 Detla Credentials 360, Elite Level
frequent flyer membership packages
photo-retouching, pre-press quality control and preparation

2016 Detla Credentials Medallion, Platinum and Diamond Levels
frequent flyer membership packages
pre-press quality control and preparation

2014 Detla Credentials Medallion, Platinum and Diamond Levels
frequent flyer membership packages
Adobe Illustrator file Q. C., pre-press quality control and preparation

Solid Campaign
self-mailer series with variable messaging
pre-press preparation

2010 Pie In The Sky Program
fund drive poster
digital illustration and pre-press preparation

2015 Pie In The Sky Program
fund drive poster
photo-Retouching and Pre-press Preparation

Southie Lite, Eejit IPA, Pat’s Dry Stout
Product Labels
digital label art and design, pre-press quality control and preparation
Southie Lite
Collateral Sell-Sheets
product photography, sell-sheet design, photo-retouching, pre-press quality control and preparation
Rice Krispies Treats
scratch-n-sniff magazine print ad, Parents Magazine
photo-retouching, pre-press quality control and preparation
2016 Detla Credentials 360, Elite Level
frequent flyer membership packages
photo-retouching, pre-press quality control and preparation
2016 Detla Credentials Medallion, Platinum and Diamond Levels
frequent flyer membership packages
pre-press quality control and preparation
2014 Detla Credentials Medallion, Platinum and Diamond Levels
frequent flyer membership packages
Adobe Illustrator file Q. C., pre-press quality control and preparation
Solid Campaign
self-mailer series with variable messaging
pre-press preparation
2010 Pie In The Sky Program
fund drive poster
digital illustration and pre-press preparation
2015 Pie In The Sky Program
fund drive poster
photo-Retouching and Pre-press Preparation