hand-painted acrylic mural

4x7’ and 5x6’
hand-painted acrylic mural

internal presentations campaign
Cessna branded dressed room
photo-manipulation, large format printing, and comprehensive hand crafting

internal presentations campaign
cessna branded dressed room
photo-manipulation, large format printing, and comprehensive hand crafting

Saturn Neighborhood campaign
concept wall
photo-compositing, large-format printing, room dressing

Presentations & Pitch Archive
oversize book
actual Size 18¾" x 27¾"
design, Photo-manipulation, large format printing, construction & distressing

hand-painted acrylic mural
4x7’ and 5x6’
hand-painted acrylic mural
internal presentations campaign
Cessna branded dressed room
photo-manipulation, large format printing, and comprehensive hand crafting
internal presentations campaign
cessna branded dressed room
photo-manipulation, large format printing, and comprehensive hand crafting
Saturn Neighborhood campaign
concept wall
photo-compositing, large-format printing, room dressing
Presentations & Pitch Archive
oversize book
actual Size 18¾" x 27¾"
design, Photo-manipulation, large format printing, construction & distressing